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Meanwhile, please read below some of our most recent news and publications on transfer pricing matters.

CbCR country by country reportingRead more +

The evolution and current state of country-by-country reporting (CbCR) in Romania

Transfer pricing definition - what is transfer pricing?Read more +

New wave of tax audits could be triggered by specific P&L reporting of intra-group expenses with management, consultancy services and royalties in Romania

work from home taxRead more +

Work from home tax consequences / Work from anywhere / Remote working taxation

transfer pricing template documentation exampleRead more +

Transfer pricing template / example documentation

Transfer pricing EuropeRead more +

Transfer Pricing Europe – a walk-through the basics [2022]

Transfer pricing definition - what is transfer pricing?Read more +

Transfer pricing definition / what is transfer pricing? A beginner’s manual and a kit of useful learning materials

studiul de benchmarking baze de dateRead more +

Benchmarking study: its purpose in preparation of the transfer pricing file

tax audit risk analysisRead more +

11 situations which may lead to the initiation of a tax audit in Romania

Noutati preturi de transferRead more +

Transfer pricing news from the period January to September 2020

OECD raportari MDR Mandatory Disclosure ReportingRead more +

OECD published the framework that will be the ground-stone for the automatic exchange of Mandatory Disclosure Rules reports

hotarari instanta preturi transfer industria agricolaRead more +

Agricultural industry – cases of transfer pricing for which there are final judgments issued by Romanian courts

timeline dac6 mandatory disclosure reporting cross border transactionsRead more +

DAC6 – New EU tax mandatory disclosure rules with regard to cross-border transactions

CbCR country by country reportingRead more +

Country by Country Reporting (CbCR) in European Union

transfer pricing consultant accountant roleRead more +

The role of the accountant / financial manager in preparation of the transfer pricing documentation file

Allinial-Global_ATIPIC-SolutionsRead more +

ATIPIC Solutions is accepted as a member of Allinial Global

CbCR country by country reportingRead more +

Country by Country Reporting (CbCR) in Romania, notification template and calendar

select transfer pricing consultantRead more +

10 rules for selection of the right transfer pricing consultant

Noțiuni introductive privind prețurile de transfer și dosarul prețurilor de transferRead more +

Introduction in transfer pricing


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